Why I'm voting for Kamala Harris in the 2024 election
I believe that the American people and our country will be in a better place after four years of a Kamala Harris presidency.
Writing is one of my favorite hobbies. You can find some of what I've shared online here.
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I believe that the American people and our country will be in a better place after four years of a Kamala Harris presidency.
Reflections on my career trajectory throughout 2019–2021, where I expanded my business beyond myself by hiring contractors and positioning myself as a people/project manager, rather than an engineer.
Imagine spending $44b to purchase a company, then immediately calling yourself a twit. Yikes.
Reflecting on how political purpose might provide my actions with more significant meaning.
Let's ignore that I'm publishing this towards the end of August. Regardless, here's what I learned in July.
My most expansive monthly learning notes thusfar. Buckle up for some great content.
Details from my six-month sabbatical—how I lowered my stress, eased my anxiety, and reoriented my life and career.
Check out what I've been using to further my learning during May 2022.
Check out what I've been using to further my learning during April 2022.
Reflections on native browser features and third-party library adoption.
On the perils of viewing endeavors as a zero-sum game and losing sight of not only what we're doing, but how we're doing it.
Check out what I've been using to further my learning during March 2022.
Woah, Chris Coyier just sold CSS-Tricks to DigitalOcean.
Thoughts on how important scrolling is for navigating our devices and what can go wrong when we try to change such mechanics through scroll-jacking.
Personal inquiry to cultivate intentional learning and outcomes.
Well, would you? Learn about why I want to visit North Korea and how much my parents dislike this fact.
Reflecting on what underpins my behavior—thoughts, actions, motivations, emotions, and desires—in an attempt to bridge the gap between my authentic self and my behavior.
After ten years of Android devices, I plunged into the Apple ecosystem after purchasing an iPhone 13 Pro.
Examining my relationship with the scarcity mindset and how it affected my freelancing career.
Learn the importance of providing regular project updates to your clients and how to send a perfect update.